Conceptual draw © Johann Blais

In production

  • Directed by

    Matthieu Reynaert

  • Written by

    Matthieu Reynaert

  • Production

    Dragon Films


Matthieu Reynaert

This film was backed by the Centre du Cinéma de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles with the limited budget fund. This is how Matthieu Reynaert came to take part in Groupe Ouest Développement workshop – Scénario : puissance & âme – for “Discordia”.


In an old cabin lost in the woods lives Carver. Fifteen years ago a mythical tribe called the Iskars killed his wife and kidnapped their young daughter Aerin. Carver traveled the world but couldn’t find the Iskars’ hideout. So he came back… and today it is Aerin that finds him. Now a skilled warrior, Aerin has managed the impossible: escape the Iskars. But she has been followed by Darioth, a powerful magician and her once fiancé. What are his intentions, and what will Aerin’s mother’s ghost have to say about it? It is time for Aerin to take power.

Conceptual draw © Johann Blais