Image by David S. Preudhomme

In production

  • Directed by

    Amélie Derlon Cordina

  • Written by

    Amélie Derlon Cordina
    Colin Cressent

  • Production

    Caviar TV / David Ragonig
    Beluga tree

All The Time

Amélie Derlon Cordina

This film was backed by the Centre du Cinéma de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles with the limited budget fund. This is how Amélie Derlon Cordina came to take part in Groupe Ouest Développement workshop – Scénario : puissance & âme – for “All The Time”.


It’s Saturday night. It’s spring in Brussels. Weather is nice. The sun is setting. Tonight, we are following three women who don’t know each other but are going to the same place: a concert at the Beurs downtown. But a tragedy occurs in the building next door just before the concert starts. A man commits suicide.

This drama, that we never see on the screen but that everyone talks about, will upset their night, deregulate everything that was planned. The concert will still take place and these three women will meet at the bar, on the dance floor, in the toilet and on the open terrace. They will meet friends, they will meet new people. But this drama that they keep in mind each in their own way, will make them want to deliver, one after the other, and to different people, their greatest trauma. And that night, thanks to the music, following this drama, in this disconcerting atmosphere, uninhibited, sometimes funny and hallucinated, each of these three women will succeed in their own way to emancipate from their painful past. Then begin the first night of the rest of their lives…

  • Pitch Prize at BRIFF 2022 / ScreenBXL
  • Aide à l’écriture / SACD